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Wednesday 27 March 2013


Work steps of proxy with network.

A proxy server is one of local several solutions to the problems associated with connecting your infra net or corporate network to the internet.a proxy servers a proxy server is a program that handles traffic to external host systems on behalf of the client software on the protected network.this means that client access the internet throwout the proxy sever it's a bit like these one way mirrors you can see out but a prophetical introduces cannot see in.

A proxy server sites between a user on your network and a server out on the internet instead of communication with each other directly each talks to the other word to a stand in from the user point of view the proxy server presents the illusion that the user is dealing with a genuine internet server to the real server on the internet the proxy server gives the illusion that the real server is dealing directly with the user on the internal network shoe.on proxy server can be both a client and a server it depend on witch why you are facing the point to

remember here is that the user is never in  direct contact
with the internet server as illustrates.

The proxy server does more than just foreword from request from your user to the internet and back because it examines and makes decisions the about the request that's process it can con troll what your server can do depending on the detail of your security policy client request can be approved forwarded for they can be denied and rather than requiring that the some restriction be enforced for all user many advanced proxy server package can offer different capabilities to different user.

Proxy server caching many proxy server can cache document which is particularly useful if a number client request the small document independently with caching the client request is filled more quickly internet traffic is cursed the type caching are as followers. 

guru network


Active caching: The proxy server use periods of low activity to go out and retrieve document that it thinks will be requested by client in the near future.

Passive caching : The proxy server waits for a client to make request retrieves the document and then decides whether or not to cache the document.

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Author: Kuldipsinh
Hi! I am Kuldipsinh,a certified Indian Network Consultant,Pro Blogger,Computer Engineer Software Editor and an addicted Web Developer. Read More →

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