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Friday 29 March 2013


Printing Commands for LINUX User.


Hello Friend !!
The most imp command with using Linux for printing document.
you can using Linux or Ubuntu but you have not idea how to get document print (This system must be rewired command )Don't worry
guru network informed you how to do ?

  • Ipr sends a job to the queue to printed (accepts ASCII,Postscript PDF ,others file )
  • Ipq views the contents of the queue 
  • Ipr removes a job form the queue
  • System  V printing commands such as Ip,Ipsate and cancel are also supported. 
=> Using the print Command   
 The Ipr command is used to send a job to the printer.The Linux printing system will print files in ASCII,PostScript,PDF,and other formats.Most application under Linux output PostScript format.
The -p option is used to select a queue other than the default and -# is used to specify the number of copies.For example,to print 5 copies of the file on the accounting printer:[student@tationX ~]$ 1 pr -p accounting -#5 
when entered without options,Ipq lists the jobs in the default queue.As with Ipr,-p is used to specify a queue other than the 
 default.For example:[student@tationX ~]$ 1 pq
printer: pa@loacalhost
queue: no printable jobs in queue
server: no server active 
status: job 'jay@localhost+916'removed at 12;16;03.083 
Rank  owner/Id       class job files size time
done  jay@localhost+185  a 185 result 2067 08:38:04

To removed a job from the print queue use Iprm followed by the job member specifying un none-default print queue it necessary 
for example :
student@stationx -]$ 1prm916
printer ps@localehost:

In this example,Iprm respond with name of the queue from which the job was removed not that a user may only remove his own print job from the queue.
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Author: Kuldipsinh
Hi! I am Kuldipsinh,a certified Indian Network Consultant,Pro Blogger,Computer Engineer Software Editor and an addicted Web Developer. Read More →