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Net work Introduction.


A local area network (LAN) is limited to a specification area,usually an office and can not extend beyond the boundaries of single building.The first LAN's were limited to range (From central point to the most distance computer ) of 185 meters (about 600 feet) and more than 30's technology allows a large LAN,but practical administrator limitation require dividing it into small,logical areas called work groups.


Chances are you an experienced wide area network (WAN)user and don't even know it.if you have ever connected to the used the largest WAN on the planet. A WAN is any network that uses routers and public network links.The internet fits both definitions.
WANs  differ from LAN s in the following ways.

* WANs cover greater distance.
* WAN speeds are slower
* WAN can be connected on demand or permanently connected,LAN 
  have network transports.
* WAN can use either full or half duplex communication LAN have
  typically used half duplex communication although many local   
  area network Today use full duplex communication see the    
  sidebar full duplex v.s half duplex communication.

The internet is actually a specific type of wan.the internet is collection of netwok that are interconnected and therefore is technically an inter network 

Host,workstation,and server

Networks are made up of lost of different components,but the three most common network entities are the host,workstation,and saver for the network + exam you need a good understanding of these three primer components of a network each one of this item 
can be found on most networks.  

Understanding Workstation 

In the classic senses work station is a powerful computer used for drafting  or other math intern sieve application the terms is also applied to a computer that has multiple central processing units available user in the network ensnarement the term workstation  normally refers to any computer that is connected to the network any used by an individual to do work.  
Understanding servers 

In the truest sense a server does ex exactly worth name implies what it provide resources to the clients on the network server then in other word sever are typically powerful computer that run the software that controls and maintains the network the software is known as the net wok operating system.