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Friday, 29 March 2013


Creat Troubleshooting in Network and Website Server.

Troubleshooting steps:
  • Establish symptoms.
  • Identify the affected area.
  • Establish what has changed.
  • Select the most probable cause.
  • Implement a solution.
  • Test the result.
  • Recognize the potential effects of the solution.
  • Document the solution.  
To facilitate our discussion of the troubleshooting steps let's
assume that a user has called you,the network administrator,to complain about not being able to-connect to the internet.
  • Establish symptoms. 
  Obviously,if you can't identify a problem,you can't begin to solve it.typically,you need to ask some
questions to begin to clarify exactly what is our example,we should ask the user the following:
* Which part of the internet can't you access?A particular website?A particular address?any website?
* Can you use your web browser?
  We find out that the user cannot access the corporate intranet or get to any sites on the intranet.He can,however,use his web browser to access the corporate Ftp-site,which he has bookmarked.We can,therefore,rule out the web browser as the source of the problem.
  • Identify the affected area.
   Computers and networks are fickle;they can work fine for months,suddenly malfunction hoe terribly,and then continue to work fine for several more months,never again exhibiting that particular problem.And that's why it's important to be able to reproduce the problem and identify the affected area.Identifying the affected area narrows down what you have to troubleshoot.One of your goals it to make problems easier to troubleshoot and,thus,get users working again as soon aspossible.therefore,the best advice you can give when training users is that when something isn't working,try it age in and then write down exactly what is and is not hap penning.most username-jerk reaction is to call you immediately when they experience a prob Lem.This isn't necessarily the best thing to do because your response is most likely,"what were you doing when the problem occurred?"And most users don't knew precisely what they were doing at the computer because they were primarily trying to get their job done.Therefore,if you train users to reproduce the problem first,they'll be able to give you the informationyou need to start troubleshooting it.In our example,we find out that when the user tries to access the corporate intranet,he gets the following error message: We're in luck-we can re-create this problem
  • Establish what has changed.
     If you can reproduce the problem,your next step is to attempt to determine what has changed.Drawing on your knowledge of networking,you might ask yourself and your user question such as the following.
  •  Select the most probable cause.
   After you observe the problem and isolate that cause,your next step is to select the most probable cause for the me,this gets easier with time and experience. you must come up with at least one possible cause,even though it may not be correct.And you don't always have to come up with it yourself.someone alse in the group may have the answer don't forget to check online sources and vendor documentation.

  • Implement a solution.
   In this step you implement the only for solution.Inour exaple we need to reconfirming DNS on the workstation by following these steps in window 2000 server.
=>Choose start >> setting >> control panel >> Network and Dial-up connection to open the network and Dial-up connection Windows.
=>Double-click a network in adapter in the list to display the properties tabs the adepter.the adapter in the previous screen short is named 3com 3c556 Minicam Network card.
=>Double click the internet protocol(TCP/IP)entry in the components checked are used by the connection frame this brings up the internet protocol properties windows.
=>Note the static/dynamic DNS settings on the general the advance button to bring up the advanced TCP/IPsetting window and select the DNS tab.
  • Test the result.
 Now that you have mad the changes you must test your solution to see if it solves the problem in our example we'd ask the user to try to access the general terms ask the user to repeat the operationthat previously did not work it the problem isn't solved may have to go back to step 4 select new possible cause and redo step 5 and 6 but it is important to make not of what worked and what didn't so that you don't make you the same mistake twice.
  •  Recognize the potential effects of the solution.
 A fundamental flaw of any network technical solving only the on problem not realizing what of other probalems that solution may is possible that the solution may be worse than the problem. As the saying goes,some time's the cure is worse than the disease.
  • Document the solution.
As you learned in chapter6, "Wired and Wireless networks," network Documentations is very important.
You'll defining want to document problems and solution so that you have the information at hand when a
simmiler problem aeries in the future. With documented solution to documented problems, you can assemble
own data base of infromation that you can use to troubleshoot other problems. Be sure to included
information such as the following:

=> A description of the conditions surrounding the problem
=> The NOS version,the software version,the type of computer,and  the type of NIC
=> Whether you were able to reproduce the problem
=> The solutions you tried
=> The ultimate solution


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Author: Kuldipsinh
Hi! I am Kuldipsinh,a certified Indian Network Consultant,Pro Blogger,Computer Engineer Software Editor and an addicted Web Developer. Read More →